Frontline Focus Education Session – Property & Trade series: Price

THE PRICE IS RIGHT // In service-based businesses, especially trades business, there is always someone who will do it cheaper! Like many services, clients can often ask;
“Can’t you do it cheaper”
“Is that the best price you can do” 
Never forget you have to value the services you provide.

Before you ask the question ”Why does it cost so much” ask yourself why do you want to engage their services? 
Do they have the most experience? 
Have they been recommended by the community and have excellent reviews?
They may only take 30 minutes to get the job done but it’s the years of experience and the qualifications you are paying for, especially if it is an emergency service.

When deciding whom you want to work with, ask the following questions:
⭐️ How long have they been operating for and what is their experience?
⭐️ Do they have industry qualifications and background checks?
⭐️ Do they provide fantastic communication and valuable customer service?
⭐️ Are they trusted, part of the community and personable to deal with?

You are choosing the person and the company for the experience, not the time on site and the knowledge that you have a trusted, reliable trade who is going to do the right thing for the client.

Would you like to learn more about price expectations? Contact our office through our booking form

Come along to our final Frontline Focus Property & Trade Education series | Free tickets session on 25 August.

Book now ➡️ www.eventbrite.com.au/e/115817257535

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